
Freshen Up Friday

Yesterday’s post was about turning your marriage from “Simple” to “Elegant.”  Read here if you missed it.  To freshen up your Friday, make plans now for a change you’re going to make or a plan you’re going to implement this next week to take a simple, routine task to the max and turn it into elegance!

Ephesians 5:33 commands wives to show respect to their husband.  So another avenue that will definitely freshen up your marriage is to obey that verse.  I want to challenge you to find one thing for which you respect your husband.  Think about who he is as a man, the work he does, the leadership roles he carries, the responsibilities he fulfills.  Pick one of those things and plan to tell him about it face to face.  Use the words, “I respect you for…”   I could say, “Dale, I respect you for your love for souls.  You are always on the lookout for someone with whom you can share the Gospel.  That is such a blessing to me!”

Don’t do it for a response or a reward or a dinner out – do it “as unto the Lord.”  Do it because you love Christ and want to be obedient to Him.  If a positive response follows ~ enjoy!  But don’t expect one.  Again, just do it because you want to do what is right ~ because you want to add a little refreshment into your marriage!

By the way, why DO you respect your husband!

Stay refreshed!

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