Christmas · trials

Bearer Of All Our Sorrows

wp-image-2083822553png.pngI read this quote yesterday –

Christmas is a reminder that God keeps His promises!

How precious to remember during Christmas that God did indeed keep His promise to redeem sinful man to Himself.  Yesterday I read Isaiah 53.  Part of that chapter says,

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:

What a blessing to remember that Jesus came to bear the sorrow of my sin!  He carried it to the cross.  The moment that any person receives what Jesus did on the cross for them, and receives Christ as their personal Savior, then we also have a Friend to carry every other sorrow that we bear!

Dear Child of God, what sorrow is in your heart today?

  • A trial you’re enduring?
  • A set back in your family?
  • A lost spouse?
  • A wayward child?
  • An illness?

Because Jesus was able to bear our greatest sorrow – that of our sin, it’s no problem for Him to daily carry the sorrows that we face, which are all due to sin.  Take it to Him today.  Allow Him to carry it.  Unload it off of your shoulders and go on your way, free from its burden, knowing that an all-sufficient Savior is caring for it in a way you never could.

Christmas IS a reminder that God keeps His promises, but it’s also a reminder that He’s a bearer of ALL our sorrows.  Lift them up to Him today!

What do you need to give to Him this moment?  He already knows about it, and is waiting for you to relinquish it to Him.

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2 thoughts on “Bearer Of All Our Sorrows

  1. Thank you so much for this reminder; I needed it this morning as right now seems to be a heavy time of affliction. It’s been awhile since I commented, but I still read daily. I have learned so much from you; thank you for all you do to encourage others.

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    1. I love sharing what God teaches me from His Word, and it encourages others only because it’s God’s Word and is always profitable! Thank you for continuing to read and also to encourage me! Praying for you as I write this!

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