Motherhood · Truth About Women

My Child Owes Me!

Christa Threlfall from Brown Sugar Toast asked me to contribute to her blog series on Lies Moms Believe, and this is one of the first lies that came to my mind because I’ve seen its devastation wreck its havoc in families.  See if you can relate…

lies moms believe

We might not ever really let the words come out of our mouths, but moms can often feel entitled to something from their child from the time they’re young or especially into their adult years. From appreciation, obedience, or regular calls and visits, we can have expectations that don’t line up with the kind of love our heavenly Father has for us. It’s a lie to think that they owe us anything! I’ve watched this lie choke my own heart at times, and I’ve seen other moms suffer the agony of this lie that destroys healthy relationships.

You can read the article here on Christa’s blog, and you’ll find the remedy of the Truth that we need to apply in order to be fulfilled instead.

After you read, why not come back here and leave a comment about whether you ever feel tempted to believe this lie, and if so, in what way?

Refresh your heart with truth, Mom!

denise a





2 thoughts on “My Child Owes Me!

  1. I read this already on Christa’s blog, and it was a great help to me. I’ve seen and experienced this. And since my oldest is almost nineteen years old, this is so helpful to me at this time. You gave a great perspective on why it’s wrong to treat our children that way, but also what to do in place of that. Actually before I went to bed last night, I wrote on our kitchen chalkboard your words, “Love first, love much, love unconditionally, love always.” I need that reminder. Thanks, Denise 💜


    1. Karen, I so appreciate your receptive heart. We all struggle with this from time to time. I love that you posted truth on your chalkboard; such a wise way to remember to respond correctly. Praying for you today! 💕


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