Motherhood · refreshment at home

Mom, Spread the Love


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On a recent date night at home, my husband pulled out the old VHS videos from 1999.  Woah.  We were mesmerized as we viewed

Our hair styles.

Our baggy jeans.

Our 15 year-old and 8 year-old daughters.

Our family times.

Our busiest days.

Our struggling parenting efforts.

Our best memories.

As I sat glued to the screen, it seemed as though I was standing on the sidelines watching our girls grow up.  Everyone tells you it’s going to happen so fast; you just don’t believe it until you’re the one passing along such sage advice to new parents.  Women tell young moms they’ll forget the pain of childbirth after their baby arrives, and it’s also true that you forget much of the hardship you experience during those parenting years once your children are grown.

I know there were hard times.  We home schooled and there were days I dreamed about not having to run our home on a school schedule or dissect frogs and earth worms at the kitchen table.  I remember days of praying for the attitudes and hearts of my girls to be turned towards Christ while their faces were turned towards the wall away from me.  I know there were days when we wrung our hands in frustration, wondering if our training was getting into their hearts.

But as I watched our family interact on that video, I knew that God had given us strength to keep on going even when things were hard and money was tight.  He was the One Who could change attitudes and hearts into young women who exhibit the love of Christ in their daily lives.  Our joy was simply to point them to Him.  It was also our responsibility to provide an atmosphere where they would be surrounded by the love of their parents and the love of God. I’m sure thankful that we didn’t give up or quit when things got difficult.  There were times when things felt desperate, but God sent help and encouragement at just the right moment.

I’m writing this post to encourage any young mom who is feeling overwhelmed or discouraged today.  You’re only seeing the small picture of today. God will use each prayer you lovingly pray,
each time you discipline in love,
every bit of biblical instruction you pour into your child to mold them and draw them to Himself.

Don’t be short-sighted.  Right now keep training your child in the way he should go.  Pour in truth and spread on the motherly love.  Be building a relationship with your children that will see them through the hard times, too.

You can’t believe how soon you’ll be looking back at their young faces on a twenty-year old video!  You’ll shake your head in disbelief that they grew into godly adults and you all survived.

By God’s grace you really will survive.

Enjoy the journey of motherhood as you keep on spreading the love.

Be sure to check back Friday when I’ll be sharing some practical ways to show love to your family.

denise a

9 thoughts on “Mom, Spread the Love

  1. This is so true Denise. We have raised three daughters and there were times I felt like a failure as a mom struggling just to meet the needs of the girls whether it was in school or just everyday life. Times were hard, finances were low but my God was faithful through it all to take care of our needs and struggles. Thank you for always encouraging and giving godly advice to us that need it from time to time.


    1. Thank you for sharing from your experience, Tammy. Yes, the Lord is always faithful when we run to Him for help! I love looking back on those years and remembering how good God was to our family!


  2. I so needed this today! We are in the middle of those years you just described, and while the joyful days are abundant, the tough ones are also very present. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the encouragement and the reminder to just keep pointing them to Christ. ❤️


  3. Thank you so much for these words of encouragement. I needed this today! I homeschool our daughter and some days I just want to close the books and hide under a blanket all day!


    1. I remember days when we would take a complete break from schooling just so we could refocus. That didn’t happen often, but when I felt extremely frustrated, I knew we all needed a change in routine. I understand what you’re saying! But I promise, this, too, shall pass. I’ll pray for you right now!

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