podcast · Rest · summertime

Summer Rest

I have a little update regarding my Refresh Her Podcast. You can listen to the update here, if you prefer!

Last year I posted about 45 new episodes and I pray that they have helped to refresh you!

This spring has been a very blessed and also busy season. It’s for that reason  that I’m going to step back from publishing new podcast episodes of Refresh Her during the summer months of June and July. 

My principle of work and rest is this –  we don’t work so we can rest – we rest so we can work.

 I need a season to rest from this work so I’ll be ready for what is coming in the fall. I’ll be  resting from the podcast, but studying and preparing for the next things to come. I will slow down so I can listen to the Lord speak to my heart and teach me.  These podcasts are simply an overflow of what God is doing in my life, so I must spend time at the feet of Jesus so I have something to share.

This summer you can look to the archives of my podcast and catch up on any that you missed. I  pray that your summer finds you in a season of rest as you unplug a bit and slow down enough to truly refresh yourself with extra time with the Lord. Perhaps those quiet summer mornings, or restful vacation times will be the perfect opportunities to quiet your heart and your body and your soul.

I’ll look forward to starting the podcast again on August 7th when we will begin fresh and new!

I do hope to post here on my blog…perhaps once or twice a week. Be sure to subscribe to the email list if you haven’t done that, then you won’t miss anything new!

What are your summer plans? How will you get rested?

Refresh yourself this summer!

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