spring cleaning

Clean the Outdoor Spaces With Me!

You can listen to this post here on the Refresh Her podcast.

A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:5
If we are diligent in getting our home cleaned, it will add to the  peace and rest, and what a treasure that is!

When our girls were young, they knew that after their chores were done, they could go outside and play. That’s kind of what this post is going to allow us to do! Since we’ve finished the inside of the house, we’re going to open the door and step outside. It’s important because it’s what you see first when you step towards your door. 

This is the result of my cleaning, though I still need to touch up my chairs with some paint and replace my rugs. I’m happy that everything is clean!

Springtime invites us to be enveloped in the sun’s warmth, the shade’s comfort, and the bird’s song.  

The rocking chairs call for occupants to rest in their solace. The glider is begging for nappers. The patio table is awaiting picnickers and ants alike!  

But when we step outside, we see that winter’s fury is still lingering on all the porch furniture. Dried fall leaves still sleeping their autumn slumber, need to be swept away, and tables and chairs yawning in the sunshine, must be cleared of the layers of pollen. Yes, the outside areas of our homes are the last place to which we need to give our spring-cleaning attention. 

A pollen covering isn’t very inviting!

Before you get started:

1.Snap a picture of the “Before so you can really appreciate the “After!”  

2. Gather together your tools:

  • Long handled mop 
  • Bucket with warm, soapy water 
  • Microfiber cloth 
  • Window Cleaner and Paper towels 
  • Drying cloths 
  • Broom or blower 
  • Water hose 
  • Clothes and shoes that you don’t mind to get wet! 

Let’s get cleaning:

  1. Your first step is to clear everything off the porch or patio. 
  1. Sweep or blow off all the debris with a leaf blower.
  1. If you have vinyl siding – You could use a pressure washer, but I cleaned my porch while we wait to hire someone to do the whole house.  
    Use a long-handled mop and attach a microfiber cloth and using the warm soapy water, wipe down the siding and shutters, if you have them. 
  1. Rinse the siding with the water hose and a nozzle with a powerful setting. Also give the porch floor a good spray with a powerful hose.
  1. Put any rugs on the pavement and spray them as well. (Maybe they need to be replaced?) 
  1. Refresh your water and wipe down all the furniture.  
  1. Dry furniture with a cloth. 
  1. Clean the windows and the storm door. 
  1. Place furniture back onto the porch. 
  1. Refresh the porch with fresh flowers, pillows, outdoor candles, a spring wreath and welcome mat. 

Want to go the Extra mile? 

Use that mop to clean off the garage door and garage windows – inside and out! 

Paint any furniture that needs to be refreshed. 

Your front door is your first welcome to those who visit. Make sure weeds are pulled, toys are in the backyard and the front porch is clean and inviting – like you were expecting company!! I have a jar with a handle on it hanging from a shepherd’s crook. Inside the jar is the light from the yard stakes, turned upside down. It’s the perfect little glow when it gets dark! It’s such an inexpensive decor! 

This little light adds the perfect glow at the front door!

A tip I’d have regarding your throw pillows is to use slip covers, rather than different pillows for each season. Hobby Lobby sells them and I often find them in the clearance area! It’s so much easier to store fabric than a whole pillow. 

Working on the front porch where the door is brought to mind one name Jesus gave Himself. He said, in John 10 –  

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. 

There’s only one way to eternal life and it’s through Christ. He is the Door. We have full, abundant life to go in and out, serving Him, loving Him and growing in Christ. He gives us abundant life.  

Abundant life isn’t an especially long life. 

· Abundant life isn’t an easy, comfortable life. 

· Abundant life is a life of satisfaction and contentment in Jesus. 

This is one door that is always ready to welcome sinners! Have you walked into that Door of salvation? Who have you brought to the Door? Why not use your home and even your outdoor spaces to invite unbelievers to Jesus, the Door to salvation and abundant life?! 

If you cleaned with me in any of this series, I’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment below and tell me where you are in the process!

Be refreshed in your outdoor spaces, and also in Christ today. He is enough! 

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