spring cleaning

Clean the Outdoor Spaces With Me!

You can listen to this post here on the Refresh Her podcast.

A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:5
If we are diligent in getting our home cleaned, it will add to the  peace and rest, and what a treasure that is!

When our girls were young, they knew that after their chores were done, they could go outside and play. That’s kind of what this post is going to allow us to do! Since we’ve finished the inside of the house, we’re going to open the door and step outside. It’s important because it’s what you see first when you step towards your door. 

Continue reading “Clean the Outdoor Spaces With Me!”
Outside decor · seasonal decor

Autumn Front Porch On a Budget

I love my front porch and keeping it inviting is important to me. I want to feel that it’s always opening its arms and welcoming all who pass to sit down, enjoy the shade and have time to rest. That takes careful attention to the chairs, rugs and flowers out there. The pillows on the chairs also need to be refreshed, especially after a summer of sunshine beating down, fading their colors. I don’t want to buy a new pillow for each season, but I do want the pillows to coordinate with the time of year. Here’s how I accomplish that without spending a fortune ~

Continue reading “Autumn Front Porch On a Budget”