forgiveness · podcast

Ready To Forgive

How does God respond when we sin against Him AGAIN? Does He stiff-arm us? Is He angry? Disappointed?  This podcast episode might surprise you, and the truth might make you weep as it did me.

Can you relate to this…

You can hear the whole episode here.

Have you ever felt as I did – so burdened by your own sin and failure? What truth is going to encourage the next time you “feel” this way?

The Lord doesn’t want us to live under the weight of our sin! Be refreshed by this truth!

2 thoughts on “Ready To Forgive

  1. I miss your written emails. Would love to read about this,but podcasts/audio don’t work with my schedule. But I’m sure it’s great for a lot of ladies as they travel in the car.

    Do you have this written somewhere on the email and I’m just not able to find it?



    1. Hi Heather, if you will go to the link where the podcast episode is, down below the description, you will see a link to the blog post, Ready to Forgive. I hope that helps!


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