

It was the time of day when the sun was low in the sky.  We had been waiting in the ICU room most of the afternoon, all personal items packed up, ready for my mother-in-law to be moved to a room on another floor.  Her situation had stabilized, and the time had come for her to go to a “regular” room.  She and I were the only ones in the room when the doctor came in to speak with us.  The doctor’s somber face told a story that her mouth would eventually speak – they found cancer, the inoperable kind at a stage four.

Those are words that no one wants to hear, but when they are filtered through the ears of a believer, what they hear instead is, I could be going home to see my Savior very soon.  Those are the very words I heard come from my mother-in-law’s lips as she shrugged her shoulders in surrender to whatever the Lord had planned for her. She added, “He knows what is best for me.”

I write this for your edification and encouragement, but also so I won’t forget.  Watching a mature child of God sift the news of cancer through the Truth of God’s Word that is tucked into their heart is precious.  After the doctor left the room, I hunkered down next to the chair that my mother-in-law had exchanged for her hospital bed. Opening my Bible to Psalm 34 I began reading to her the sweet words of David.

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
“I have no fears” she said through tears.  Did her tears negate her words?  No.  Tears are the normal emotional response to a sudden jolt.  “I get to go to heaven.  I’m just sorry for you and Dale to have to go through all of this.”  It was my turn to speak now and relieve her worries of her son and daughter-in-law and of how she would travel through the days ahead.
“We will take care of you.  If need be, you can stay with us.”
“For no matter how long it takes?”
“Yes.  For no matter how long it takes.”
We prayed and read more Scripture, comforting ourselves with Psalm 34, 73, and 91. There was calm, peace, and the Lord’s sweet presence in that room.  It’s the peace only the Lord can give.
All of our worlds feel like they’re spinning nearly out of control.  Of all the questions that are pounding in our heads, the question of, “How will we endure what is before us?” is answered by a quote a dear friend sent me.  It is carrying me today.
He bears the heavier end
of the Cross laid upon you!”
~Elisabeth Elliot~
Our load may seem heavy, but our sweet Savior is carrying the heavier end for us!  What a sweet blessing.  He carries it for you, too, Friend.  We must ease our grip then and “bless the Lord at all times.” Even when faced with cancer.
With love,

Not sure about why the block of color has appeared!  Oh well, chalk it up to another puzzle in my life!

4 thoughts on “Reflections

  1. By God's grace, you will get through it. A year ago, my father was dying from prostate cancer, and I was wondering how I would be able to care for him. But, I did, and the Lord was faithful. See I Cor. 10:13!


  2. “Through”—one of my favorite words in reference to trials. Not, over, under, around, but through. And it's territory that my Lord has already gone “through.” (2 Cor. 9:8; Hebrews 4:14-16)


  3. We will keep you and your mother in our prayers. It makes me remember how Pastor Joe Fritz used to mention your parents often in conversations that we had with him! I also remember the beautiful piano playing that your mother treated us to when we visited your church a few years back! What a Godly heritage.


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