
A Peek From My Porch

Why Do Sheep Need A Shepherd

Shepherds are called to a life of caring for sheep.

Shepherds love their sheep.

Shepherds take responsibility for the sheep.

Sheep need a shepherd, I am told because they need protection, lest they become a predator’s dinner.  They need a shepherd because they easily get lost and they need guidance to keep them on the right way. Sheep also need governing; otherwise they indulge in activities that could be self-destructive.  

I am married to a shepherd.  His title as pastor takes his responsibilities from simply attending church to shepherding the church  This is a position not of his own choosing, but one chosen by a God who equipped Him and enables him each day to carry out the responsibilities of that call.  He loves his call; he loves his sheep (the church).  He could never do anything else but shepherd – not evangelism or church planting.  You see this is where his heart is!

As the shepherds wife, I also love those sheep.  Each one is precious to me, but I also love the shepherd-husband of mine, and I occasionally see the burden of his cares bearing down on his heart, and it causes me to cry out all the more for my him.  Just this week I heard him say in prayer, “Lord, sometimes my responsibilities seem too great, but I know you will give strength.”  What were those burdens?  Too many services?  No.  Too many sermons to prepare and preach?  No.  It’s the burden of seeing many of his sheep wandering, nibbling on a little grass of the world over here.  Some choose not to stay within the protection of the fold – the church.  They are busy – family time, ball games, and company step in and replace the necessary time with the God’s flock.  It’s the burden of their “bleating” – “I might not be here for services tonight – company’s coming.”  “Little Suzie has a recital next Sunday and we hate to disappoint her.”  “The competition at school is getting my daughter in so late, she won’t be in youth group Sunday morning.”  “The family reunion falls on the Sunday this year so we won’t be here next week!”

Why would a pastor care?  Because he has a shepherd’s heart.  Remember the three reasons sheep need a shepherd?  The shepherd sees the sheep becoming the dinner of the enemy.  He knows the services, the preaching, the revival meeting, the planned activities will help protect them from the one who seeks to destroy.  It will feed them the green grass they need to grow.  It will guide them and keep them from harmful influences elsewhere.  When the sheep are wandering, going here and there, I see the eyes of the pastor/shepherd looking across the congregation for them.  I hear him calling their names as he weeps in prayer.

If you have a pastor who preaches the Word and it stings, remember that he is just echoing the Words of the Chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Who loves you even more!  If your pastor reaches out to you with the staff to pull you back into the fold, don’t be a stubborn sheep; yield to his leading and follow his counsel.

Thank God for your pastor today and pray for the heavy burden he bears.

Thanks for letting me give you a peek into our windows!

With love,


4 thoughts on “A Peek From My Porch

  1. Such a good and thought-provoking post, Denise! It hit home especially with me today because we recently learned that our pastor of 34 years will be retiring in a couple of months. He has the true heart of a pastor and has been such a blessing to us.


  2. Echoes of my own thoughts, Denise. Very well said….the burdens of the ministry that weigh on us are not those of time, preaching and teaching, or administrative responsibilities, but seeing those sheep you love and have a burden for making wrong choices and wandering into dangerous pastures. One of my favorite verses is Jer. 3:15 – “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” We can pray for our husbands and each other!


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