
Don’t Zone Out – Tune In!

I just got back from a trip to town.  Things I saw have gotten me to thinking about how we all tend to “zone out.”  We’re so busy, so frantic, that when whenever we can, we find our way to check out on life.  Here’s how I’ve seen it recently:

  • People in their cars, talking on their phone while trying to make a left turn onto a very busy road.  They’re oblivious to the fact that they’re blocking both turn lanes.  Zoned out.
  • Shoppers push their cart out into the middle of the aisle without ever considering that someone might have to come to an immediate halt to keep from hitting their buggy.  It’s okay; they never see anyone else, never acknowledge that someone else is in the store. A believer misses the opportunity to serve others or to speak or encourage with a word or smile.
  • Parents are caught up in conversation or their phone, or a ballgame and miss seeing what their child is doing or what they may be up to.  The child speaks and the parents hears, but isn’t listening.
  • Christians sit in church “listening” during a service,  all the while thinking of a hundred other things during the announcements or message. Afterwards there’s no memory of what was said or of the Lord speaking to their heart.  They’re also out of the loop about what’s coming up on the church calendar.
  • Spouses don’t take time for one another to have an eyeball to eyeball conversation.  They give “air kisses” as they part in the morning or return at the end of the day.  They miss details of the other’s life because they’re zone out.

Okay, so we’ve all seen it and DONE IT! Right? I certainly have! What’s the remedy?  How about following the principle Jim Elliott is quoted in saying,

Wherever you are, be all there.  Live to the hilt any situation you believe to be the will of God!

When you’re driving, put the phone down.  Be a present driver!

When you’re at the store, keep your head and eyes up.  Be a present shopper/witness!

When you’re with your children, listen to them.  Inspect what you asked them to do.  Have a consistent, watchful eye on them. Be a present parent!

While sitting in the church service, keep your notebook out.  Write down the announcements the pertain to you!  Write down any questions you may have if you didn’t understand the details.  Take notes about what God is saying to you during the message.  Be a present church member!

Be intentional about spending time with your spouse when you see one another.  Greet him at the door.  Mark out ten minutes just to talk with him about his day and things he needs to hear. Be a present wife!

Zoning out involves thinking about one person – ME.  Tuning in involves everyone around me. Life is a greater blessing when we stay tuned in to others around us!  Let’s tune in to others and zone out to self!

Are there other scenarios in which you find yourself zoning out?

With love,


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