
Five Favorite Pics

Happy Friday!  This has been a busy week for us, but a great one.  In the midst of busy lives, full ministry schedules, bearing the hurts and trials of family and friends, I’ve reminded myself over and over of the need to get alone with God.  It has calmed my heart and given me renewed strength.

One thing that REALLY helps my day is my morning walk.  I typically walk 2.5 miles.  I walk down an untraveled farm road near us so there’s no disturbance or worry about cars zooming by.  I use that time to talk out loud to the Lord.  What a joy to cry out to Him and praise Him, thank Him, and leave my burdens with Him!

The other blessing of my morning walks is the view!!  It’s gorgeous.  I can’t help but snap pictures while I walk.  In a week’s time, I take a LOT of pictures, and today I’m choosing just five to share with you that highlight the week.  Those from my walks are definitely some of my favorites!

Sunrise at home2.png

I had my back to this unbelievable view, then it was as if the Lord nudged me to turn around.  I gasped at its beauty and thanked Him for showing me His hand in creation.  This picture is totally unedited, except for my watermark.

sunrise at home

It always astounds me how beautiful a rustic barn, a barbed wire or a weed can be!  The evidence of that truth is in the preceding picture. Ah, thank you, Lord for morning!  Mornings that start everything fresh and new!

When I got home from my walk, this was what I saw:

fall porch 2

I love decorating my front porch for the seasons.  I hope it draws folks in to sit and visit!

This vignette is on the side of the front door

fall porch

Let me end with a picture of our daughter, Whitney.  She and her husband got to come to Tennessee to visit for a day and a fourth this week!  We had a great time together, though it’s always too short.  It allowed us to be able to celebrate her birthday early.  Her birthday is actually TODAY!    She is a blessing to me in so many ways.  She always finds the positive side in people and really knows how to encourage.  She’s very disciplined and organized.  She loves home and pours her heart into making her home a true place of comfort.  Mostly, she loves God and finds her strength and wisdom from her daily walk with Him.  What a blessing that is to watch.  So, Happy birthday, Whitney!  

Whitney's 33rd

I hope you have a fabulous weekend where you see God’s hand all around you! How about going over to Whitney’s blog and wishing her a happy birthday? If you’ve never been to her site, you’ll love it!

Stay refreshed!

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6 thoughts on “Five Favorite Pics

  1. Well you made me cry, Pauline! ā¤ Thank you for the sweet words and for helping me celebrate my birthday on Monday! Love your front porch decor – the mixture of all the textures and colors makes it so inviting!


  2. I love all your photos – I’ve been seeing them on Instagram. Such beautiful mornings…and what a blessing to enjoy all the beauty right where God has placed you. (I often miss that myself!) I love your front porch. I have finished making the inside look fall….now I need to work on our porch. I’ve never thought about a throw on the rocker – hmmmm. It does make it look inviting! Have a great weekend!


    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I thank God regularly for putting us in such a lovely spot of the country and IN the country! I hope you find just the perfect things to cozy up your porch for fall!


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