Responding to trials · trials

Spiritual Leg-Bouncers


Leg bouncers amaze me.  Do you know who I’m talking about? It’s those people who are totally oblivious to the fact that while they’re eating, watching a ballgame, or listening to music, their leg is bouncing 100 mph!  It seems like such a waste of energy!

No criticism here, but I’m married to a leg-bouncer.  Many times when sitting in a quiet setting like a service or at a table, I’ve gently put my hand on his leg.  He knows it’s my request for him to bring his energy into control so the table or pew will stop its shaking!

I’m pretty blown away at leg bouncers’ ability to do this vigorous muscle sprint!  I’ve tried it and it just isn’t possible. Oh, except in my heart…

Yes, when I’ve got a problem, my heart steps in and begins its flurry of mental activity at the speed of 100 mph!  With each thought is

  • How this issue could be stopped
  • How I might help it stop
  • Who else might give me a hand!

Like busy leg-bouncers, I don’t even give real thought to what I’m doing until the Spirit of God puts His loving hand on my heart, making me aware of my useless activity.  It happened just yesterday.

I’ve been in the midst of a hard trial for over a year.  At times I’m sure I’ve had “both legs bouncing” while trying to make this situation stop.  Then in my time in God’s Word, I came to Psalm 62 and read,

Verse 5 – Wait thou only upon God…

Beside that verse I had written,

While waiting be still and silently wait:

  1. Patiently – Stop all your activity of trying to fix the problem. Sit still.
  2. Trustingly – Stop any questions about why God would allow this. Don’t doubt His character or His promises.
  3. Expectantly – Start looking for what He will do. Be on the edge of your seat watching for His answers and His solutions!  It will be better that anything I could imagine!
Spring entryway a
O my soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him.  Psalm 62:5

In short, stop your leg bouncing and use that energy to be on the lookout for what an awesome God is up to.

Are you “bouncing your leg” while you wait for God to care for your trial?  Sit still and be patient, trusting and expectant.  Then you can say as the psalmist said in verse 6 – I will not be moved. There will be no temptation to fix things when we realize that God is at work.

Whew.  We can rest!

denise a

6 thoughts on “Spiritual Leg-Bouncers

  1. I had no idea what you were referring to when I read this title:) but what a perfect illustration of the “useless energy” we often spend spiritually….and I love the idea of God quietly touching our hearts to quiet and settle us!


    1. This made me laugh because I’m sure it sounded really strange to read! I’m thankful the Lord knows how to sweetly chide us and calm our hearts. Thanks for reading and commenting, Jennifer.


  2. I am married to a leg bouncer too…..mostly while we are eating our meals.
    Honestly, I think my heart and mind do somersaults most of the time. The first line in Psalm 45:10 is one of my favorites. “Be still, and know that I am God.”
    Have a good day, Denise.


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