
Marriage Matters

For the last two weeks I’ve asked you to post pictures on Monday of your efforts to show that Marriage Matters to you.  I had some great photos, and rather than just choosing one favorite, I thought I’d show you a gallery, that share some really great truths about how to keep a marriage moving forward.  My friends did a great job showing how its done!  These are in no particular order. You can click on a picture to enlarge it.


Whitney’s post is the snowy one.  She said, ”

Paul had to work on Saturday, even though our roads were covered in ice and snow. I got up early and made his favorite hot breakfast. I really wanted him to stay home and watch movies with me, and I’m sure Paul would have enjoyed a rare day off. But I made sure he was aware of my admiration of his incredible work ethic and dependability. He needs to hear those words of respect from me!

This picture is an important reminder that we show respect to our husbands for who they are and what they do.  Using the words, “I respect you for…” are critical.  Good job, Whitney!  Whitney blogs at Come Home for Comfort and is linking up with me today!

Angie posted the picture of the lit up deer.  Her comment about her post was:

Pretty Christmas decorations when we had a date night while visiting family in Huntsville. We don’t get date nights very often, so I cherish that time together.

I think the truth in her post is that our date with our spouse might not be exactly what we’d dream, but when the opportunity avails itself (babysitters are provided, a little extra cash is available, or you have a few rare minutes), make use of that time!  Don’t let it slip by because it isn’t a cruise!  Thanks, for participating, Angie!

The picture of the wedding bands was posted by Kellie yesterday.  She said,

This week for#mondaymarriagematters I thought I would share two verses that I say to myself every morning as I put my wedding band on. My wedding band is a visual reminder that I am to be a good thing to my husband every day for as long as I Iive. I want to be a good thing to him because that is what God expects of me as a wife and I want my marriage to glorify God. It isn’t easy, and I fail often. But when those verses go through my mind, as they often do throughout the day, I’m reminded that my marriage matters and I want to be a “truly good wife” like the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31.

I think it’s easy to forget that God’s Word gives clear instruction to couples – and lots of it!  Memorizing Scripture that will help you be what you need to be as a wife is the best way to have a meaningful marriage. Way to apply God’s Word, Kellie!

The two hearts is my picture.  I shared the very simple day-to-day things my husband and I do for one another.  My demonstration to him was to iron his handkerchiefs and spray a little of my cologne on them.  He tucked a “Love is…” clipping from the paper into my make-up bag.  The little things that cost nothing are sometimes the most effective.  What little demonstration could you do today?

“Please forgive me” was posted by my sweet, humble friend, Melissa.  Here’s her honest admission:

I can be so selfish. 😞 I can be so proud. 😖 Sometimes I need to humble myself and go to my husband and ask for his forgiveness for my attitude towards him. 😢 It’s not always easy to do that, but it is what is pleasing to the Lord. And, it is what will restore the sweet relationship with my love that I desire. ❤️ I have been greatly challenged by a series of lessons on@reviveourhearts called My Personal Petitions. I need Him every hour of every day. I am praying that through the tough times, He will continue to shape me into who He wants me to be.

“I’m sorry” are hard words to say, but we all need to practice asking forgiveness when the Spirit of God convicts.  Do you need to ask the Lord to help you ask your husband’s forgiveness for an attitude that is sinful?  Good job, Melissa!

Alli’s picture shows her and her husband at a ballgame.  I happen to know that this was a last minute privilege allowed them.  Her comment about the photo was simply

Watching the #etsu basketball game with @andrew 🏀

The truth this reminds me of is spontaneity.  Go with the flow!  When your husband suggests doing something, be ready with a positive answer!  “Sure!” “That’s sounds great!”  “I’d love that!” Don’t be a fuddy-duddy.  Be fun. Be spontaneous.  Looks like you all had fun, Alli!  Way to go!

I’m going to keep posting pictures on Mondays of our marriage efforts.  Marriage really does matter, and I want the world to know!  This was God’s great plan, and I’m so thankful!  I’d love for you to join me using the hashtag #mondaymarriagematters.  What a great testimony to a watching world!  We picture the Gospel when we live out our marriages with love and forgiveness.  Let’s preach it!

Of these ideas posted, do you have a favorite?  Who else will join us?

With love,

5 thoughts on “Marriage Matters

  1. What a sweet thing to focus on! I loved the reminder to be spontaneous with your spouse. I enjoy planning out my days and have had to really work on saying YES when my husband suggests something out of the ordinary in the spur of the moment. In our early married days, I’d typically say no and end up hurting his feelings. Now 11 years later, I thank him for making the fun plans and go along for the adventure. It’s amazing how much a change in my attitude has helped this area of our marriage.


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