Child training · summertime

Children in the Kitchen

Woohoo for Summertime! I love this season for so many reasons! However, I know that for lots of moms, it’s a difficult season because they have to fill hours of time for their children. I’ve made lots of posts in the past about activities to do in the summertime, so I hope you’ll avail yourself to those, but today I’m going to zero in on activities to do with your kids in the kitchen.

Why the kitchen? I can think of several great benefits!

  1. You’ll be together.
  2. You will be working on something that can benefit the whole family.
  3. You are preparing them for that time when they leave home and will need to have these skills! Boys and girls alike should be well-acquainted with cooking and baking. If we don’t teach them, where will they learn? Let’s equip them so they can make good food, rather than depending on fast food!
  4. Making good food together can help broaden their palettes. They’re more likely to try something that they’ve had a hand in preparing!

What can we do with our children in the kitchen? This list will include things for young children and more difficult skills for older children.

  • Set the table. Teach them where the each utensil goes and where to place the napkin.
  • Make a flower arrangement for the table. If you have flowers, allow them to help you cut them and put them into a vase to make the table pretty!
  • Peel carrots. A vegetable peeler is a safe tool for a child. Teach them how to use it by pushing the peel away from themselves. Graduate to peeling potatoes (a little more difficult).
  • Make iced tea. You might make sun tea on a pretty day.
  • Make biscuits. Start out with little ones learning to cut the dough with the cutters after you’ve mixed the dough. Graduate to them adding ingredients, to finally them making them on their own.
  • Make a salad. They can tear the lettuce with their hands, wash grape tomatoes (even better if they can pick them off your vines!), peel the cucumber with a peeler, and add shredded cheese.
  • Scramble an egg in the microwave. (Beat an egg in a microwave-safe dish. Add a little milk, if desired. Microwave for 30 seconds. Scramble with fork. Microwave 30 more seconds. They could warm a tortilla in the microwave and put the egg and shredded cheese inside for a delicious breakfast.
  • Teach them to butter toast. Or “peanut-butter” the toast!
  • Make Freezer Jam.
  • Make popsicles.
  • Teach older children how to plan a menu. Start with a simple lunch that would include healthy/delicious foods. Slowly work towards planning and making dinner!

Make summertime fun, educational and delicious by working with your children in the kitchen. I know from experience that having a child “help” with meals is NOT helpful to YOU. It takes longer, creates a bigger mess, and is more work than doing it yourself. However, the benefits are a blessing. You have time together, you’re teaching them from your example, and you’re preparing them for being on their own. These are all instructions we receive from God’s Word regarding the training of our children! So, tie on your apron and enjoy!

Refresh your child with time in the kitchen with you!

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