Biblical Womanhood · Christian growth · Goals · Uncategorized

A New Year’s Perspective

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Newly fallen snow is a lovely reminder to me of  January 1st.
Everything is fresh.
No footprints have been stomped out before us yet.
All is still with only fresh paths before us.
Each day we trod forward, one day at a time, and make our way through the year until we come to December 31.  It’s a blessing to turn around and look over our shoulder and see the path that the Lord has cleared for us and just exactly where He’s brought us.

I’m not really one to make resolutions, but I do love to look behind me and see what needs improvement and then look before me with a prayer that the Lord will help me make necessary changes by His grace.

Here are some things I’m considering that might inspire you as you step into the snowbank of 2020.

  1. What hindered my spiritual growth last year?  What moved it forward?
  2. What did God teach me last year?
  3. What did I see God do in answer to my prayers last year?
  4. To whom did I give my life the most?  Does this need to change?
  5. What activities did I participate in that I need to repeat this year?  Which activities should I consider removing from my schedule?
  6. What did I read least year?
  7. Did I spend too much time on social media, television or videos (You Tube, Netflix)? Do I need to set limits for myself?
  8. What creative outlets did I enjoy? 
  9. Did I get enough exercise?  What could help motivate me to do more?
  10. What area of my life brought the most joy?  The most frustration?

These would be some great questions to pray about and later to ask your spouse or a close friend.  Some good discussion and accountability could follow!  

Enjoy the snow (the fresh New Year) before you.  It has some wonderful opportunities to witness what God can and will do through you!

Refresh the way you approach the new year.

Happy New Year Friends!

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Goals · Uncategorized

Friday/Summer Favorites

Hello, September!  You kind of snuck up  on me!

Were you prepared to wake up and find that today is September 1st?  I have to admit that I’m sad to see summer go – I always am.  I will enjoy fall, but oh, those long, sunny days, beach walks, late sunsets, and Dollywood days are hard to say Goodbye to!

With the coming of September also comes an end to my blog vacation on Tuesday – Thursday.  I’ll be back each day with a fresh post!

Let’s end the summer with a look back at a FEW of my favorite Summer 2017 memories!

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One great thing about this summer was that I set some goals for myself that required making a schedule for my week.  I accomplished many of those goals and feel like these were really productive months!

  1. Finish 9-patch quilt squares and have ready to sew together by August 31.
  2. Write three chapters in reference to Proverbs 31 before Aug 21.
  3. Write Tuesday – Thursday from nine to noon.
  4. Begin a cooking ministry for others.
  5. Finish Adorned. – Still want to finish this by Sept 29.

As I look to the fall, I’m going to be setting new goals for myself and giving a timeline in which to get things accomplished.  Here are a few:

  1. Finish Christmas shopping by October 31. (I’m about half way there now!)
  2. Work on hand quilting at least one day a week (Monday?).
  3. Walk each morning at 7:00.
  4. Use Tuesday’s to serve others from my home.
  5. Invite one family over each week.

If you could make three goals for fall, what would they be?

Refresh yourself for fall!