ministry · Rest · Sovereignty · The Scenic Route

A Retreat with an Interesting Turn of Events

Another D&D Ministry ministry opportunity was given to us and was such a blessing this past weekend. This had been planned many months ago, to a place I had never been – Amazing Grace Baptist Camp in Ottawa, Kansas. One of the staff wives, Elizabeth has been reading my blog for many years, but we had never met! She reached out to me and asked if I could come and speak at their Ladies’ Retreat. The Lord gave clearance to do so, and I was so excited about seeing another camp ministry reaching people of all ages with their unique setting!

Continue reading “A Retreat with an Interesting Turn of Events”
Family life · refreshment at home · Refreshment in marriage · Rest · Sabbatical

Fun, Family and Finishing Strong

Who doesn’t love a week full of fun and family? That describes our last week of sabbatical so well, but it’s also a reminder of a truth I hope to pass on to you. Stay tuned.

You might think that 30 days of sabbatical would fly by, but the Lord answered my prayer and allowed it to go nice and slow. What a blessing that was! We enjoyed each day to the max and allowed ourselves time to rest, spend time together as a couple, and focus on what the Lord wanted to teach us as we got ready to head back into ministry.

When we got to the last week, we celebrated our 40th anniversary. My husband did a fantastic job planning our celebration and took me to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.
Oh. My. Goodness.
What a special time it was!

The food was amazing!

The setting was gorgeous!

We got to take our time and enjoy every bite and every minute. We were at the restaurant for about three hours! We cried as we shared memories from our 40 years of marriage during the meal. I told my husband they were going to think we hated our food because of our tears!! It was a truly magical day, full of love for each other, fun times and many blessings!

Ready for our dinner at Ruth’s Chris!

This last week allowed us to enjoy an early July 4th celebration with Paul and Whitney in their adorable small town. It was so patriotic and fun!! There was beautiful music, Uncle Sam on stilts, and parachutists jumping out of airplanes with flags making for a great event!

We went home early in the evening, then later drove to a parking lot nearby to enjoy their fireworks. It was perfect!

We also got to see Paul in his work setting, which was super fun.

The last church we visited was Paul and Whitney’s. What a blessing to worship together and hear the sound preaching of the Word! After the service we went to a lovely little restaurant, The Bleu Porch, in their town and enjoyed a fabulous brunch! My Stuffed French Toast with warm Blueberry Sauce was delicious, but having brunch together as a family was even sweeter!

We spent the last few days at some quiet spots – lakes and mountains vistas – where we could reflect about what the Lord had spoken into our hearts. We did much journaling so as not to forget our lessons and the changes we each needed to make.

This mountain view is more amazing than this picture shows!

Now here we are nearly a whole month later! I’m enjoying the new schedule the Lord guided me to practice. My days and weeks are full, but the Lord is so gracious to allow times of rest just when I need it most!

Even without a sabbatical, we can each find times to rest. Even when dinner is not Ruth’s Chris, but grilled hot dogs, we can find time to be together as a family! Simple events can bring the fun life needs when days are tough. Ladies, we’re often the one who needs to create the fun, so let’s get planning! We need one another!

I’d also encourage you to find regular times to unplug, be still, and listen to the Lord through His Word and in prayer. We are not meant to run on empty without time with the Lord and minimal time in His Word. We need Him!

What do you have planned to refresh your heart? How will you refresh your family?

Unplug and have some fun family time this weekend!


A Few Photos On Friday

We are into Day 4 of Sabbatical and I can attest to the fact that REST has been a blessing!

We are tucked away for a few days, but not far from home. No Internet (why this post is later in the day), quiet, and peaceful – this has been perfect start to our month!

I’m reading three books, all different topics, but fitting together in a way only the Lord could make happen.

Here are a few pics from this week.

Time with the Lord in the morning in this special spot. 💗
Smokey Mt. Bakers in Roan Mountain has some good pizza!
Blowing Rock, NC. The views there never disappoint!

One take-away from all I’m reading and what the Lord is doing so far is that God’s ways can be trusted. His timing is perfect and that means I can rest.

Floating along…like we can do under God’s care!

Refresh yourself as you rest in our sovereign God.

Refreshment · Rest · worship

Your Need For Rest

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I am really good at staying busy.  Are you?  It’s to the point that if my family sees me just sitting on the couch they ask if I’m feeling sick.  I’m not proud of that; it’s just true.  But I’m learning to rest.  God knew I needed it and He provided Sunday for our day to lay aside the normal activities and focus on worship and rest.

While Sunday is probably one of our busiest days because of being in the ministry, I have learned a few things that really help the day to be more worshipful and restful.

  1. Go to bed early on Saturday night.  I try not to schedule anything for late in the day Saturday so I can get a good night’s rest.
  2. I take a “Media Fast” on Sunday.  I don’t check Facebook, Instagram, or even my email accounts on Sunday.  It’s a wonderful break from all the “stuff” of social media,” and it helps my worship to be more focused.
  3. Take a nap on Sunday afternoon.  Even if it’s only fifteen minutes, I need this rest!
  4. I do no housework on Sunday, except cooking and cleaning up the kitchen.  Laundry can wait – and so can all the dust and crummy floors.
  5. I don’t like to even do any shopping on Sunday.  It’s a distraction to me.
  6. I attend the morning and evening worship services at church.  This is God’s Day, and I desire to give Him the whole day.  What blessings I would miss if I stayed home from any of the services !!
  7. Enjoy fellowship with others.  Even if we just go grab a sandwich after the service, or have friends over, the  fellowship with others is an added blessing.

I’m writing this at the beginning of the week so you can consider your Day of Rest that’s coming this weekend.  How will you plan to use it wisely to make it all God wants it to be?  I realize that work schedules make it difficult, but your day should prepare your heart for worship, and then have you ready for the busy week ahead.  Perhaps one reason we’re running ragged is because we’re not utilizing this day as God intended.

Six days may work be done;

but on the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD:

Rest.  Worship. We all need it.  Why not make plans for them both this Lord’s Day?

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