Christmas · Dates · Marriage

Gifts For Your Husband Who Has Everything

The Christmas season passes so quickly, doesn’t it? Many years ago my husband and I realized that we weren’t taking the time to really enjoy the season as a couple. Christmas would come and go and we hadn’t really taken time to enjoy our own decorations or spend time with one another. It was then that we began exchanging gifts for the Twelve Days of Christmas. Here’s how we did it – we would purchase small gifts for one another and beginning on December 12th, we would sit near the tree and exchange one gift each night. Sometimes we’d enjoy a Christmas treat as well. We lingered. We listened to music. We talked and laughed. It seemed to stretch out the holidays for us and it was wonderful.

We considered picking up that idea again for this year, but as I thought and thought AND thought about what I could get him, I got frustrated before I even started shopping. Then I came up with another idea that was even better than the original plan!

Continue reading “Gifts For Your Husband Who Has Everything”
Dates · Refreshment in marriage · The Scenic Route

The Most Scenic Route Date EVER!

My husband is a man who loves to surprise me. He loves to wait until the last minute to tell me where we’re going and what we’re going to do. I’ve learned to patiently wait, and also go prepared for any type of adventure or any weather change!

This past Monday was our 41st anniversary and we had discussed taking the day and spending it in nearby Pigeon Forge. We love it there and had several ideas of things to do. However, on Monday morning my husband told me to be ready to leave the house at 11:30 and be ready to head to an undisclosed lunch destination. He also told me I might want to wear a summer dress. I had no idea what he was up to, but I put on a summer dress, but also brought a denim jacket, shorts and casual top (just in case!).

Continue reading “The Most Scenic Route Date EVER!”
Dates · Refreshment in marriage · spring

Springtime Dates

It’s warming up pretty consistently here in East Tennessee.  These are perfect opportunities to have a fun date with your spouse!  Need some ideas?  Here are a few fun ones to get you started:

bike riding
  1. Get outside and work in the yard together.  Clean up any leaves from fall.  Mow the grass, sweep the sidewalks and driveway.  See if you could use some new shrubbery.  Celebrate the beautiful yard with a Frosted Lemonade at Chick-Fil-A or an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen!
  2. Take a bike ride on one of the local trails.
  3. Go for a breakfast picnic.  Be aware of the morning dew and take a towel or blanket to sit on or wipe down the table.
  4. Take a hike on a mountain trail.
  5. Take a drive in the country with the windows down.
  6. Go to Lowe’s or any other paint store and pick out a color for a room in your house or a piece of furniture that needs some refreshing. Do the project together.
  7. Build a fire in the fire pit in the evening.
  8. Play a yard game like croquet, Frisbee, or badminton.
  9. Wash the car together.
  10. Go to the park and fly a kite.
  11. Sit outside and watch the sunset from your porch swing.
  12. Take a walk around the neighborhood hand in hand.
  13. Go to a local drive-in like Sonic and enjoy lunch in the car with the windows down.
  14. Go to yard sales and find items you need to make your porch inviting!
  15. Find a little town you’d like to spend the day investigating and have a whole day away shopping, having coffee, and just walking its streets.

There are some ideas to get you started!  What springtime dates have you planned?  Remember, most times together won’ just happen!  You have to be intentional!

Happy Spring Date night!

Dates · Valentine Treats · Valentine's Day

ABC’s of Sharing your Love

Looking for some ways to express your love to your husband this Valentine’s Day? Here are 26 ways to love him all year long.

We go together like… =)

Admire his physical characteristics.
Buy him his favorite candy bar, snack or treat.
Call him on the phone while he’s at work just to tell him you love him and are thinking about him.
Dress up for him – look your best when he comes home!
Express the reasons why you love him – write it on the bathroom mirror in dry erase marker.
Find a picture of the two of you that brings back a special memory.
Greet him at the door each night when he comes home.
Have your own signal to say “I love you.” A tug of the tie, a secret number code, etc so you can express your love even in a crowd.

Initiate a date and take care of all the details.
Joke and tease with him like you did when you were dating.
Kiss him before he leaves the house!
Leave notes for him – in his car, on his pillow, in his brief case, in his Bible…
Make his favorite dessert and serve it by candlelight in your bedroom after the kids are in bed.

This cake is perfect for Valentine’s Day!

Note on a large-blocked calendar things your husband has done for you. Keep track all year, and then give the calendar to him as a journal of sorts.
Openly share your love for him in front of your children. They need the security that Mommy and Daddy love each other!
Poems are creative ways to tell your husband how you feel. If you can’t write one, find one that says what’s in your heart.
Quips and cartoons are fun love notes to leave. Read the comics and the “Love is” cartoon in the paper and cut out one that is appropriate for him.

Run an errand for him – even if it’s out of your way.
Share a special treat together – a milkshake or a small personal-size pizza.
Tell him what you admire about him – this is different than why you love him…this is about who he is – not what he does.
Understand his need for space.
Vanish away together! Plan an overnight trip and surprise him.
Wash the car for him
Xtra loving care.
Your attitude can change his bad day. Make sure your heart is right with the Lord so you can encourage him!
Zest for life can make a boring marriage an exciting one. Do something new together!

Share your ideas of ways you express your love here in the comment section.
